
Feb 26
Can you take Carry-on Vocal Booth (COVB) and VOMO (Voice Over mobile recording studio) on a plane? The answer is YES and NO. I have traveled with COVB, and then... Read More...

Dec 19
In this video we show some of acoustical Vocal booth ( AVB33) review by Tim Tippets, VO tech Guru and Voice over coach . AVB33 is an Acoustical vocal booth,... Read More...

Nov 10
Portable vocal booth from can be easily washed in a regular washer. to wash the Blanket part of the booth - take it out form the outer Nylon case... Read More...

Nov 8
This is a complete version of instructions on how to use the Portable Voice Over Mobile recording studio, VOMO, and some tips and tricks. Scroll down to see list of... Read More...

Nov 6
New Orleans pro musician Jed Rault tests the VOMO portable voice recording booth for recording vocals. Read More...

Nov 6
New Orleans Pro musician Jeb Rault tests the mobile Acoustic Vocal Booth, AVB33, and VOMO portable vocal booth. Read More...

Nov 6
In Louisiana we let local singer test our Portable vocal booth and see if the booth works for singing and rapping. Right there in a supermarket parking lot! Do MORE... Read More...

Nov 6
The purpose of acoustic room treatment is to remove reflections and echo from getting recorded and interfering with the direct sound, by being recorded with slight delay making the original... Read More...

Oct 13
In Dallas, TX we met with Dean Wendt a professional Voice over actor, who is very picky about his sound quality. he had tested any and all voice over gadget... Read More...